Terms & Conditions

By using this platform, you agree to abide by the rules of not abusing people, using it for malicious intent, not publishing abusive content. Violation of the rules will result in account blocked and removed.

By using our services, you are agreeing to comply with the Terms. You agree to abide by any applicable guidelines of our services, which may change from time to time.

You understand that all address assigned, postings, messages, text, files, images, photos, video, sounds, or other materials posted are the sole responsibility of the person from whom such material originated from. More specifically, you are entirely responsible for all the content posted by you, your organization or company using Kabaz platform.

You agree not to send, photos, email, images or make available content that is unlawful, harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, defamatory, invasive of another's or is harmful to others or minors in any way shape or form. You agree not to send nudity or abusive content through this platform. Violation of the rules will result in account removal.

By using this platform, you agree to the following:

You agree that we may have access to your location, information from your mobile device or personal computer in order to offer you a better service.

You agree that we may have access to your mobile phone number, your name and your organization's client mobile phone number and their names in order to serve you and your clients better.

You agree to use your personal or your Organization's Credit or Debit card in order to make purchases with Kabaz platform. However, Credit or Debit card information will not be stored into Kabaz platform.

You agree to use your personal or your Organization's Credit or Debit card in order to make purchases with Kabaz platform. However, Credit or Debit card information will not be stored into Kabaz platform.

You agree that we may send you notifications through your mobile device and your e-mail, also your clients in order to serve you and your client better.

We also may share your information with authorities in case of an ongoing investigation.

Changes to this document are subject to change. For more information please feel free to contact us at [email protected]